Carnation from the best growers in Colombia, Ecuador and Kenya: Back at the peak of popularity! 19-09-2024 / Flower types we supply

Carnations are currently experiencing a revitalization and are once again at the peak of popularity. Modern florists and designers are actively using carnations in their compositions due to its delicacy, sophistication, variety of colors, as well as a long period of vase life. Carnation has become a symbol of elegance and sophistication, decorating both wedding bouquets and festive events.

Carnation occupies a more affordable price niche compared to other types of flowers, such as roses, while it has good resistance to transportation, and can be stored for a long time in cold storage

In the past, carnations were mostly ordered in mono boxes of red varieties, in mixed boxes and less often in mono boxes of any one color. However, in the last few years, the demand for the purchase of mono boxes of particular varieties of carnations has emerged and continues to grow steadily. This is due to the appearance on the flower market of many new carnation varieties characterized by different shades, shapes and sizes, that makes this flower even more attractive to the end-buyer. Farms in Colombia, Ecuador and Kenya have been quick to respond to market demands by planting many new varieties of carnation and continue to actively win the market with new positions.

Carnation is commonly classified by stem length and bud size:

  • standard (corresponds to a length of 50-55 cm, small bud)
  • fancy (corresponds to a length of 60-65 cm, slightly larger bud)
  • select (corresponds to a length of 70+ cm, the largest bud).

Depending on the farm-grower, the length in centimeters may vary slightly in each grade.

Daoflowers offers high quality fresh cut carnations from more than 60-80 of the best farms in Colombia, Ecuador and Kenya.


Carnation is one of the most important flower plants grown in Colombia, currently accounting for about 40% of total flower exports. Colombia has long been a leader in the world production of carnations, with many years of experience in this field and improved all stages of growing, which allows the flowers to retain freshness and marketable appearance, even after long transportation.

Ideal climatic conditions and fertile soil contribute to the growing of premium quality carnation. Carnation from Colombian farms is characterized by a wide range of varieties and rich, bright colors. It has straight and strong stems that essentially eliminate their brittleness

Colombian farms offer carnation in all three grades: standard, fancy and select.

Carnation is usually packed in bunches by 25 stems in QB (Quattro Box) boxes:

  • standard carnation: 400-500 stems/QB (depending on the farm)
  • fancy carnation: 400 stems/QB
  • select carnation: 400 stems/QB

Colombian growers sell most of their products based on standing orders. Accordingly, during holiday deliveries, as well as during periods of low production, Colombian farms have virtually no availability of carnation to sell on the open market. Therefore, if you are interested in a stable supply from Colombia, we recommend you to consider placing a standing order. Nevertheless, our team is in constant contact with growers, tracking the open market availability of interesting positions, which can always be found on our web-platform of daily online offers.


Carnation production in Ecuador is in the stage of active development, as evidenced by the constant birth of new carnation farms. Production processes are being perfected, quality characteristics and packaging standards are being improved. Farms are expanding their range, planting many new demanded varieties. Carnation from Ecuadorian growers are slowly but surely striving to compete with products from Colombian growers

Ecuadorian farms offer carnation mainly in the select grade, with less frequent availability in the fancy grade.

Carnation is usually packed in bunches by 25 stems in QB (Quattro Box) boxes, rarely packed in EB (Eighth Box) boxes:

  • carnation select: 400 stems/QB
  • carnation select: 150 stems/EB

Ecuadorian farms are also heavily involved in the production of dyed carnation, offering an incredible variety of color options. As in the case with other types of dyed flowers, special series of dyed carnations are often created for specific holidays, using colors-symbols of one or another holiday. The practice of creating products for a special customer order based on provided photos or, for example, images from the Internet is popular. Here are some tips for buying dyed products

In terms of pricing policy, Ecuadorian farms often offer lower FOB prices than Colombian growers. Nevertheless, it should be taken into account that 1 kg flower cargo air freight cost from Ecuador is higher than from Colombia. This practically equalizes the final cost of the flowers for the customer.

However, it does not refer to dyed carnations, as the difference in price can reach about USD 0.10-0.12 that makes the Ecuadorian dyed product more attractive in terms of price and good quality correlation.


In a bid to diversify their production, Kenyan growers have been growing carnations for several years now and have been gaining a foothold in the carnation segment of the flower market. Carnation is now the second most popular flower after rose grown in Kenya.

Kenyan growers offer quite a wide range of carnation colors and shades. However, Kenyan carnations are somewhat different in quality from the familiar Colombian and Ecuadorian carnations. The stems are often thinner, and you may find stems of varying thickness and evenness in the same bunch. However, Kenyan carnations are known for their long vase life.

Kenyan farms offer carnations mainly in select and fancy grades, very rarely in standard grades.

Carnations are usually packed in bunches by 20 stems in so-called JB boxes (Jumbo Boxes). There can also be found bunches by 10 stems per bunch. The number of stems per box varies according to grade and farm:

  • carnation select: 500-600 stems/JB
  • carnation fancy: 600-700 stems/JB

Kenyan farms mostly offer carnation in mixed boxes, less often by variety, depending on product availability. Usually they pack a good mix with a wide range of beautiful varieties.

Carnation from the above countries can be purchased:

  • By colors (one color per box). Most often this is a variety of a particular color packed at the farm's choice. However, during periods of low production and high demand, farms may pack different varieties within the same color group
  • By variety (one variety per box).
  • In mixes (mixed boxes of several varieties of different color groups). Farms usually pack an assortment of such mixes at their reasonable discretion.
  • Set mixes of 2 varieties at the customer's choice from those available at the farm at the moment of purchase

The minimum order for carnation is 1 Quattro Box (1 QB = 0.25 FB) in Colombia and Ecuador and 1 Jumbo Box (JB) in Kenya.

We recommend ordering carnation in advance, a few days before leaving the farms to guarantee quality fulfillment of the order. Also on our web-platform of daily online purchases you can always find interesting and favorable offers from proven growers of carnation from Colombia, Ecuador and Kenya.

In Colombia, Ecuador and Kenya carnations are grown all year round that eliminates problems with seasonality characteristic of other growing countries, such as Turkey, for example. The choice depends on the customer's preference for color, grade and price. It is also worth considering that periods of high and low carnation production in different countries often do not coincide. This allows customers to compensate for a shortage of production in one country by high production in another. Our managers always guide customers on the market situation and offer the most optimal options for purchase.
